Wednesday, April 29, 2009

1 year ago

1 Year ago.........we accepted our referral for Manuel and he's been growing in our hearts ever since.  There are always multiple dates that will be remembered with adoptions, but this is a special one.  The other dates of when we decided to adopt, or when we finished our forest of paperwork are all part of his story................but May 1 is when he came alive to us.  We had actually recieved our referral on April 22..............and as I think about it all and remember's all a very special time.  For us, it took time to wasn't a 'one look and was bonded' experience........that first week God came very much alive to us and I will never forget that.  It will forever be part of our faith walk how God directly answered us and made it  clear his steps in our life.  It was very clear that Manual was going to fit perfectly in our family.  But as soon as we accepted on May 1, it was like a door swung open and he has had a place in our hearts ever since. That place keeps growing and growing.  I'll never forget the time we were able to spend with him in Oct.  He's everything I could have hoped for and more.  I can't wait til he joins us forever.  I can't wait to do life with him.  I would have never believed it before........................but it's possible to have a love for a child that we've really once spent a short time with.  Yes it is possible to love him already and have a bond already........we already consider ourselves a family of 5. be able to see him and hold him............we're ready for you Aidan............we're waiting for you!!!!............We love you!!!! 

Sunday, April 26, 2009

fellow bloggers

So disappointed...........There have been a few families that I've recently read their blogs and have been so excited to see how there journey continues and how their families grow.   They, too, are in the waiting process.  But recently their blogs were deleted or made password accessible only, so that was disappointing.   It's so refreshing to know what others are experiencing or sharing the same type of feelings.............and it is even was nice to know how their time lines were doing!! if you happen to be reading this and have recently changed yours, i'd love to still stay connected somehow and hear how your story ends up.  I wonder if it was for confidential reasons or just because..??...  2 of you recently commented on my blog, so if you're able-- keep me posted!!  
Blessing to you

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Adoption Happenings......

What a fun surprise!!  I was checking out GLA's websight this weekend and there was a picture of our little boy in their Easter happenings!  Once again, it sounds like they really had a special day for the kids.  I am SO thankful for GLA.  I think they do a phenomenal job with the kids. It definitely helps to know Aidan is being taken care of during this time.  You can read the entire happenings at GLA, but I just loved the happenings of Easter morning.....................

"the usual group of 16 got dressed in their church clothes under Joyce’s direction and headed off to a church service with Edlyne and Nadege. While they were away the little kids had Sunday School here at the house lead by Sé Ketlie. This was one of my favourite parts of the day.   Sé Ketlie did a lovely job reading the Easter story out of the big Creole Bible and for the first maybe 6 minutes everyone, minus active Cindy Love, was paying attention... after that she continued to plough through serious about what she was teaching, while little pockets of children at each table tried to listen and others played with their fingers, twisted their tongues around in their mouths, and all in all were done listening. Until the praising started. Little tiny hands flew up in their air as these little children’s mouths started praising God and saying “Hallelujah” with their hands held high for Jesus.   If you have ever been to a Haitian church anywhere you know this is a big part of their worship and even the youngest at Toddler House of 16 months knows how to wave her hands in praise. Laura couldn’t help herself and stood right up on her bench seat trying to reach even higher. Their energy was infectious and their praise so innocent and honest. When service was over the little ones went outside for their Easter Egg hunt... "

..Isn't that AWESOME!!  Just to hear how they are praising God gave me goose bumps to think about all these little kids participating in worship.......I LOVE it!!! And of course there were Easter egg hunts and fun.....................glad to hear they could have such a great day :)

When I sit down and actually let any info about Aidan get from my head to my heart..............oh it's so hard waiting for him to come home.  I can't even begin to describe it...............I could go on about how I wish I could have seen him worshipping, or how I would have loved to see him do an Easter egg hunt here, or eat candy with him......................but it's so much more than that. It's this longing way down deep.  He's there..................we're here..............and we're not able to get him's indescribable how much you can feel.  So I push those thoughts away and trust in God for peace, that's all I can do. 

On another note, Melanie---who sends our monthly updates, had been really sick.........Hep. we probably won't be hearing much for the next 2 months.  Keep her in your prayers for a quick recovery.  I'm not sure if she's still in Haiti, but I'm sure it's a scary time just being ill.  And for prayers as everyone works together to care for the kids. I just really feel like they need prayers as adoptions have become so lengthy, and I know money is not readily I just ask that you lift of the orphanage and just pray for God's provision for them.  They are doing a wonderful job.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


I am so amazed that God desires to have a relationship with ME.  It's like He's the one pursuing me all the time....I don't get it.  
I'm not going to beat myself up, but frankly I haven't had any routine lately and haven't spent time in devotions.  I hate it when that happens................when I'm walking with Him---I'm IN LOVE with's just so easy to get out of that routine.  Since I've slipped I've noticed that I want to be in control of my life......again....  This is how it's all gone down since good Friday..........
We went to good Friday service at church.  I thought it was really hit me...........we talked about barriers that keep us from God, and how when Jesus died all barriers were taken away so that we can come into relationship with Him.  It was set up that the "curtain" was torn apart and we could walk through and have communion at the foot of the cross.  It was just an amazing experience.  But as I reflected that evening I'd have to say my barrier is wanting things to go my way in life.  There is just many things in life that I want control of, and want to plan out.  I try to plan the future out for us..................and frankly it gets a little frustrating because this world just isn't cooperating with me!! 
And then we went back on Easter and wow! hit me again.  Jesus took the nails in His hands...........for me.  Look at His scars.  And here I am trying to plan out my life....................but the important thing is to focus on Him. 
Okay----so that evening we were talking about it and I couldn't help but ask..............I know that life is going to be good, I know I have peace about life because God has led us this far----but what about the every day life?  I know everything will work out.................but what about the daily living and having a certain goal in my mind?..Sometimes action needs to be taken or decisions made each who's going to do that?  
It all started last night.  I was singing songs to Alyssa before bed and randomly without even knowing it I start singing..........."for I know, the plans I have for you............plans to give you hope and a future..........".........It surprised me.......The "freaky" thing about it..................the last time that song popped into my head was when I needed assurance that God was in control when we ended all our fertility treatments.  I honestly can't say I've sang that song since then...........It definitely caught my attention!! are random sentences of what I read today as I was 'catching up' in my devotions.
  • God's righteous rule applies to everyday living
  • He is obligated to keep us dissatisfied until we come to Him and His plan for complete satisfaction.....(I think wanting to be in control can also be equated with being dissatisfied)
  • God surpasses our dreams when we grab the hand of Christ and walk what HE chooses 
  • We are so caught up in building our own tabernacles that we miss God's glory right before us
  • Following God is not without pain..............but has purpose!!
  • We are wise to learn to walk with God instead of begging Him to walk with us------wow!!!
  • Undeniable link between blessing and daily walking with God..............okay--I got it!
  • Lamp to my feet---my immediate steps.......//...........and a light to my path----my future
  • If I want to have that light to my path for the future..............I need to be daily checking in
  • He's the ONE with the job is to follow
Okay................. I think I got my answer from today's Him DAILY. 
And then there was also this written "story" in my devotion book.................It's not referenced by anyone, it just has quotations around it so I"m not sure where it is from............................

"Imagine going to heaven and standing by God as He lovingly shows you the calendar of His plan for your earthly life.  It begins with the day you are born.  Once you received Christ as Savior, every day that follows is outlined in red.  You see footprints walking through each day in each week of your life.  On many of the days, two sets of footprints appear.  You inquire:   "Father, are those my footprints on the calendar every day and is the second set of prints when you joined me?"
He answers, "No, My precious Child.  The consistent footprints on your calendar are Mine.  The second set of footprints are when you joined Me."
"Where were you going, Father?"
"To the destiny I planned for you, hoping you'd follow."
"But, Father, where are my footprints all those times?"
He answers, "Sometimes you went back to look at old resentments and habits while I was still going forward, hoping you'd join Me.  Sometimes, you departed from My path and chose your own calendar instead.  Other times, your footprints can even be seen on another person's calendar because you thought you liked their plan better.  At other times, you simply stopped because you would not let go of something you could not take to the next day."
"But, Father, we ended up OK even if I didn't walk with You every day, didn't we?"
He holds you close and smiles, "Yes, Child, we ended up OK.  But, you see, OK was never what I had in mind for you."
"Father, what are those golden treasure boxes on certain days?"
"Blessings, My child, I had for you along the way.  Those that are open are those you received.  Those still closed were days you did not walk with Me."

So once again God pursues me and tells me exactly what I need to hear.  He has a plan all worked out.............I just need to trust and follow.............daily.  How is it that I hear exactly what I need to hear at exactly the right time?.............He's amazing.  And the best promise out there was no matter how long the detour has been, the return is only a shortcut away. 

Friday, April 10, 2009

First step to the Cross

"The most notorious road in the world, The Via Dolorosa, 'The Way of Sorrows.'  No one knows the exact route Christ followed that Friday.  But we do know where the path began.  The path began, not in the courts of Pilate, but in the halls of heaven.  Jesus began his journey when he left his home in search of us.  Armed with nothing more than a passion to win your heart, he came looking.  His desire was singular---to bring his children home!.... Reconciliation.  Reconciliation restitches the unraveled, reverses the rebellion, rekindles the cold passion.
The path to the cross tells us exactly how far God will go to call us back."
--from 3:16 by Max Lucado

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Misc. Updates and Happenings!

We have a new nephew in the family......Graysen Ryan.  Kendra is such a big sister now!  I just love it when babies are added to the family!  There is something about babies that make everyone smile :)

Austin is doing awesomely well for having his tonsils out last week.  He has that mickey mouse, squeaky voice going on which is hilarious to hear him trying to yell at his sister.  But he's a trouper.  He absolutely hates taking medicine, so he has refused any pain medicine after day 4.  He toughs it out with a Popsicle and jug of water.   But I think he's doing great........ he slept through the night last night, so we're on the right track!

For some reason Alyssa had something with April Fools Day this year.  She must have heard something about it and was talking about it for a couple weeks.  She came up with her own "schemes" to play on dad, and they were just hilarious.  I had to question where she came up with them...............but I didn't say anything.  She concocted some bogus looking juice and took a gulp of it and then walked over to Paul and "barfed up" in a bowl and pretended to be sick.  Of course Paul knew nothing about that she knew about April Fools so she got him good.  Then she sweetly says......April Fools!  It was funny!!  Then Austin joins right in.  See we were going to go out for his 'last real meal' and so I asked him were he wanted to go................he says "fricano's pizza" (dad's favorite) and Paul was like 'allll-right, now we're talking'..........but then you hear a 'April Fools"..................and of course we get McDonald's.  
So I decided to get the kids before we left I had cut up some green and orange candy to look like peas and carrots, and I told the kids they needed to eat something healthy before we ate at McDonald's.  Alyssa, being such a health nut, digs right in.............she totally stops and was trying to figure it out.  Her taste buds just weren't connecting with her mind, but then I said "April Fools" and boy did I get them good!!!!!  They weren't expecting mom to play a joke on them--it was kind of fun...........I have idea's for next year already!!!

Other than the above, life just keeps happening.  We try to enjoy each day and have fun with the kids. 
I had my music going the other day and a song from way back when came up.............I Hope You Dance (Lee Ann Womack)  Some of the words are.........".when you get the choice to sit it out or dance.........i hope you dance".................

I didn't know country could be so inspiring but it just made me think about how life is not adventurous when you don't take chances.  Or to bring it a step further............sometimes to have an adventure in life you have to have FAITH..............
i remember when we were talking about adopting, and specifically international adoption.  I remember saying how our family was perfect with 2 kids...........................but I didn't want to look back in 10 years from now and wish we had done it because it would be too late at that point.  I didn't want to look at someone else's life who had adopted and wish we had jumped at the chance to open our hearts again.  So it was at that moment we decided to ..............'dance'.    And I am so thrilled we did.  

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Dreaming of that warm weather...........

I'm thinking this week about what 'could have been' it's freezing cold here....................and I had my winter mittens out the other night to watch softball practice........................I'm thinking that was a bad change!!  Alyssa and I were going to go to Haiti (not adoption related) but that changed last month.  I was actually really looking forward to it.  I think it would have been really good and Alyssa even said she wanted to go back to her friends she met last year at a school we had visited.  I thought that was pretty cool that she said that.  So here we are dreaming about I'm making myself some hot coffe to get motivated in cleaning up today!!!
Yes ---we have plans for spring break-----but its on the other end of the scale........... Austin is having his tonsils I"m sure we'll be watching video's all day long. At least we can eat popsicles and dream of warm weather!!!!

And another thought about spring breaks...................................I'm thinking I am going to think twice about EVER planning a spring break trip. We all just recovered from the flu  from last week. And let me remind you, we went into last spring break with 2 of us sick.............and a couple of years ago we had gone to Florida and spent the week in ER with strep throat and ear infections. So maybe we aren't meant to do spring break ever!!................................Good luck to all of you who are venturing on a vacation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!