Thursday, February 12, 2009


What's in a name? Sometimes I think I like the name Manuel. It means God with us. I love seeing Aidan's name..........Manuel. I like to think of it as God with him. I think of it as God assuring me that He is watching over our little boy even when we’re not with him.
Each time I see his name on our updates, I can hear his nannies calling his name when we went into his room. It's of French origin, so it's a little different. They pronounce it more like MonYell. I like that. I think in our city it would be pronounced ManWell, and it would just lead to more racial I don't think it's the best choice to keep it. Sometimes we still talk about it though.
In our minds he's our little Aidan, but reality is......he knows Manuel. We'll have to call him Manuel Aidan for a while...............I think. I don't know---we've never had anyone have a name change. Any idea's? I'm sure it's just total confusion!!
It's his birthday this week.............. He's turning 3 on Saturday...........We got some cute pictures we'll post soon.
i've just been thinking about the name thing lately. i guess it's one of those benefits to adoption, we have time to think about it. Time to try it out. How often do you get to do that???......We've even talked about the spelling. It seems most popular spelling it Aiden............we'll see.

1 comment:

Kristin said...

Here's my 2 yuan (chinese 2 cents :) I love the name Aidan and how you've chosen to spell it. I think you're right about calling him Manuel Aidan for awhile - we too are planning to call our daughter by her Chinese/English name for awhile. They will be going through so much already that a name can be "just a name" for awhile - ya know.

Happy Birthday Manuel Aidan!! Soon you'll be with your forever family! Hang in there friends - the blessed day will come soon. Enjoy the weekend! Kristin