Since Paul is in Haiti currently, it's been on my mind all week. I couldn't help and think about random thoughts about the country. I didn't even know where Haiti was located until Paul went with a church group in '07. I guess there have been times that I lived in my own little world, but I couldn't have imagined life any other way than in US. Paul came back and just kept talking about how hard life was. I think this picture captures alot........
Such worn, spread out, wide, hard feet........what a hard life.
It was also after that trip that words came out of Paul's mouth that went like......"I think we should have more kids...".....I remember thinking I was at a point that I was good with 2 kids and now how was I suppose to deal with that. He wasn't referring to a child from Haiti, he was just talking about shear numbers and having another child. Easier said than done.......but that began our quest for Brinks #3. But that's a whole different story......
So we'll continue with more random thoughts.....
Traveling is slightly different there than here. Who ever thought car seats were a good idea when you can stand up and ride? Or better yet, just sit on your luggage:)
It's hard not to think about how much effort it takes some people in Haiti to get a bowl of water, yet it's nothing for us to leave the water running while getting a glass out of the cupboard. And the amount of time spent walking....... and yet all we have to do is walk to the next room in our house to get our water.
There is no comparison for how we do laundry or dishes.....
So when I think about Haiti I think how could there be so much poverty. How are people living this way........I think about a quote that has stuck with me........
God provides all this world needs, it's up to us to distribute it!!!
That's pretty powerful stuff, because it's so easy to get hooked on other scenerios going on in this life, such as.......
Now with Aidan on the way, I have even more thoughts about Haiti. I think about the mom's in Haiti. I think all mom's have the same provide the best for their kids. My heart goes out to mom's that have to hear their babies hungry cries. I think about all the kids who aren't getting to experience simple things.... like an ice-cream cone, or one new shirt......I wish it could be balanced better. Why are the 'scales' so unequal. Why is it that I have such abundance and so much to choose form?.. and it's only because I was born in a different area. Why did I deserve so much? And why did God choose me to live here?........I am TRULY BLESSED by God!!
Well said! Once God has opened our eyes and more importantly, our hearts, to see His children throughout the world....we are NEVER the same...we take less for granted....we waste less and invest in His kingdom more.
Thank you for that post.
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